The Top 5 Things People Love To See On Your Social Media

Social media is an integral part of a business’s overall digital marketing strategy. It allows companies to find and reach their target audiences, engage them with valuable content, and turn them into loyal customers. The most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and even TikTok.

Research shows over 4.55 billion people worldwide actively use social media platforms. The average use of social media per day is two hours and twenty-seven minutes. Facebook is the most widely used social networking platform with 2,894 million actively monthly users, followed by YouTube (2,291 million users), Instagram (1,393 million users), Pinterest (454 million), and Twitter (363 million).

That’s why social media is a powerful tool for companies and brands to improve their bottom line. However, this is a daunting and time-consuming objective to achieve, especially when you don’t know about things your target audience wants to see on social media. So, content based on your audience’s needs plays a crucial role in achieving your goals, such as:

  • Brand awareness
  • Brand recognition
  • Audience engagement
  • Lead generation
  • Increased Returns on investments (ROIs)

Effective content allows businesses to develop and maintain long-term relationships with their target audiences, increasing engagement and revenues. Here are the top five things people love to see on your social media. Read on!

1.    Videos

Videos are the most popular content people want to see and share on social media. Most users prefer videos around four minutes long. However, 30-second videos are becoming viral quickly because they are fast-consuming. So, videos are an effective tool to hook your target audience.

Unlike text-based content with long-winded paragraphs, videos are easy to consume. Ensure you include the right call to action while telling your brand’s story. That way, you can drive traffic to your website and increase sales. In addition, create compelling videos to leave viewers in awe and make them want more.

2.    Contests

About 55.82% of companies run contests and giveaways on social media platforms, particularly Instagram and Facebook. People love contests because they want to win. So, running social media contests is a win-win for brands and consumers.

The purpose is to engage your audience and let them have fun. All this translates to increase brand awareness. Besides, make sure you think of a prize that earns the interest of your audience.

Although most companies think of a prize relevant to their business, this isn’t mandatory. Anyway, create a schedule for the contest and define rules for your audience. You can run contests on any social media platform, but avoid overdoing them on professional networks like LinkedIn.

3.    Video Stories

Although video stories are a relatively new feature on social media, they have quickly gained popularity. Most actively monthly users on social media prefer video stories because they are short, easy to consume, and engaging.

When you use stories, especially impromptu videos, you give your followers a glimpse of your brand, product/service, or what’s happening in your company. Using video stories allows consumers to stay current with the company news.

That way, consumers feel more invited and engaged. Video stories on social media last for 24 hours. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are popular platforms that offer this incredible feature to keep users updated about announcements, offers, events, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business.

4.    Top 10 Lists

Everyone loves seeing the top ten lists on social media about different people, places, things, etc. Whether the world’s richest people, mesmerizing tourist attractions, beautiful celebs, tech products, or anything else, the top ten lists are the most widely viewed content on social media platforms.

When you create a social media with the top ten list and include a call-to-action in it, the likelihood of getting clicks increases. In addition, the top ten lists are easy to read, and users can click on the link to jump from social media to your website for more details.

5.    Statistics and Facts

Statistical data and facts presented via infographics or animated videos engage people on social media. People love to know about statistics on different topics. For example, if you sell air purifiers, you can use statistics related to Covid-19, indoor air quality, and how your product can improve the indoor environment and prevent the risk of getting infected with viruses. In addition, statistics and facts about your products, services, customers, or brand can entice viewers and help them make informed decisions.

Facts about a specific product or service are an excellent option to generate more likes, clicks, and shares on social media. Although you can share stats in textual format, we recommend creating animated videos or infographics to make them visually appealing to your audience.

Final Words

Social media is the epitome of digital marketing for businesses of all types and sizes. With the right strategies, content, and insights on users, you can thrive on social media platforms, engage your audience, increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, boost sales, and generate higher ROIs. Until Next Time!